I created this series as an exploration of my whiteness and as a way for me to think about my personal privilege and identity without relying on the crutch of comparing it to other people's experiences. Self Portraits of a White Woman is representative solely of my story and perspective. Ironically it was in this forced vacuum that it became clear to me how my privilege and status inherently effect others. In the end, this series became a documentation of my personal journey in better understanding race, but I hope it can also inspire others to begin their own self examinations.
A large part of what inspired me to attempt this project was all of the new information I have been introduced to over the past year thanks to BLM and related movements. I was finally forced to reexamine my ingrained beliefs and reconstruct many of my thought processes to better understand and accept others. Each circle in this piece represents a thought cycle oppressed oppressors often get stuck in when listening to the problems of others. The counter thoughts to each cycle are included to help us break these toxic mental traps that prevent us from participating in meaningful discourse and legitimate allyship. Phrases are purposely obscured to encourage viewers to spend time at this piece contemplating their own narcissistic biases and how they can alter their internal dialogues to overcome them.
More In This Series

Every Book Has a Cover

Don't Look Down

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